La Galleria Fotografica ti da la possibilità di scegliere la soluzione migliore per mettere in valore le tue fotografie.
Studio (Centro Storico) :
If you are here, you have probably made a shoot with us, and we thank you.
Please read these terms before entering the gallery, and accept these simple conditions.
This gallery has been made to give you an access the pictures we have made during your photo session. They are your pictures but the copyright remains the property of Lumière Noire.
Therefore, it is not permitted to (unless authorised by Lumière Noire) :
- To make screenshots of the photos. (Please use the email box)
- Post these pictures in any way on the web or social media
- Print these pictures, either for personal or professional use.
- Share your login and password with other people.
Please send us an email if you have any questions